Wednesday, October 15, 2008

CML Power Tools Blog.

My favorite part of the CML Power Tools page is Tooling Around, the Power Tools page blog. This blog highlights useful tech and Web 2.0 features (as well as CML's tools).

For instance, a recent post there was: Top Five Reasons To Use Gmail. Since Gmail is my favorite email service, I heartily agreed (and chimed in with a comment on the post). Reasons discussed were the availability of built-in chat, the large amount of storage space, and the ease of labeling and archiving emails. In my comment I mentioned the tabbed email conversations that allowed an ongoing conversation in one single email, as opposed to a new email for every response.

Tech blogs such as Tooling Around always interest me, because you almost always learn something from reading them. One can never have too much knowledge in this fast-moving technology world we inhabit.

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